Thursday, April 8, 2010

Snakes Alive! Revisited

I was inspired today to repost this from my archives by one of my favorite blogging buddies. Thanks, Dufus!

Qantas Airlines was forced to cancel flights yesterday due to four baby pythons which had escaped on a passenger plane in Australia. Yikes! This is all too familiar with Samuel L. Jackson's movie, Snakes on a Plane.

Granted, the baby pythons were only a half foot long, they did not pose a threat as the pheromone laced snakes in the movie. But, the very thought of these little guys loose on a plane is enough to send shivers up and down my spine. You see, I suffer from snake phobia.

Then why on earth do I live in the middle of the desert where the Western Diamondback Rattler is king? Trust me, I ask myself this question daily, especially now when snakes are making their way from their winter dens. I even believe these creatures may hold conventions and pass around my picture as "the" perfect victim. They are all out there laying and waiting for me to walk by so they can get their jollies by scaring the shit out of me.

Just who do they think they are? They coil up and strike the classic pose which makes my heart race, gives me tunnel vision and causes me to pee my pants. I won't even walk where grass is any higher than my ankles for fear there is not just one snake, but at least 30. And, they are all waiting there just for me.

Anyway, when I read the news of the lost snakes yesterday, I thought about how these snakes go from eating a small mouse to eventually swallowing a baby hippo. Good googly moogly! Now, just where did these snakes go? And, is it so common that snakes are transported by passenger airliners? Well, that alone gives me reason enough to never fly again.

I rest my case.

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  1. Ew, ew, ew and ewwww! I really hate snakes. See a snake = hyperventilate! I agree with Samuel Jackson on the snake issue.

  2. oh god...I hate snakes me the shivers...
    I sometimes have nightmares about 'Anaconda'..
    I completely understand how you feel.

  3. This happened on a flight I was on once..they almost had to land the plane because of a loose python.

    Just turned out that my fly was down.

    Thank you. I'm here all week.

  4. I don't like snakes on the ground, I like them even less 30,000ft in the air.


  5. I am not particularly fond of snakes, even if I am not scared of them. BUT, I can live without snakes on a plane!

  6. Once, I bought 4 fuzzy stuffed snakes and brought them on the plane. I didn't have my kids with me, but I felt pretty awesome placing them in the seats next time. Then I could tell anyone who walked to the bathroom that I had brought SNAKES ON THE PLANE. Then I high fived myself. I am SO funny.

  7. I get nervous flying alone, is what I'm getting at.


  9. I am now damaged for life.

    Thanks so much, Sweetie.

    Today, I was hoping to work in the yard.....where there is tall grass.

    Again, it was so kind of you to post this today.

    I will dress in full hazmat gear in this lovely weather.

    I'm still loving you, GF.

  10. That was a good movie. Jaws had a little phobic effect on me, but I'm not afraid of snakes. Maybe it's because I've never been bitten even though I have stepped on a few and had to shoot others. Now a 25ft. shark coming after me is another story.

  11. I love the title of your post. But the snakes, umm, not so much. I'll be staying out of the grass today, by the way.

  12. I may never get up to go to the bathroom on a plane ever again. Ouch! Or sit down - what an asp hole I'd be!

  13. It appears you also suffer from "Re-post syndrome", lol.

    The best clip in Snakes On A Plane TO ME of course, was the busty blonde titty bite scene, but hey, that's just ME.

  14. We don't have Snakes on a Plane here yet, but we do have snakes on the runway. That would be the runway at the Marco Island (FL) airport. It appears some of the thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of Burmese pythons nosing around in the Everglades have taken to swimming north. These beauties grow to upwards of twenty feet and feed on most anything. Aside from the prospect of looking for your golf ball and finding it resting on one, pythons are bad news here: because they eat anything and everything, naturalists fear they will wipe out the food supply on which many other species depend.
    So either stay put in the desert, or move to Maine.

  15. I love hiking, but the thought of snakes kind of discourages my appetite for it.

    As a child living in the boondoks, i've come upon many snakes. I even caught them with my bare hands. Not anymore, though. I fear them now. But I'm still okay as long as I see them ahead of time and not be caught off guard.


  16. When I started reading this I thought of snakes on a plane before I got down to the video! LOL! I wouldn't have wanted to be on that plane!

    I have something for you on my blog!

  17. I actually like snakes, but not on a m'f*#'ing plane. That is one of the all time best film lines ever.

  18. slimy slithery things are not on my list of top 10 things I like. ewwwwww

  19. I used to live in the desert mountains and our house was built on the top of a big rock mountain where rattlesnakes were plentiful, so I understand. I have one word to say: CATS...they will totally control your snake population! A whole "herd" of outdoor kitties is so much better than a bed of rattlers!

  20. Omg..Eeek and great googly moogly is right!!!!! Oh and LOL at moooooogly up there!

  21. snakes are evil they are black magic that some witch doctor cast upon a stick

    also, i was fooled into watching that once. thought it was 'snaks on a plane' which wouldve been really great!

  22. I'm more afraid of people masquerading as snakes. Don't see many belly slithering reptiles here in the north east. We see more of the two-legged kind. Slippery cold-blooded bastards! Commonly found in all regions of the US and US Airways.

  23. Thanks for that clip, I'll sleep like a baby tonight. :-0

  24. We should move to Ireland. They have NO snakes there!
    Ireland is very pretty. It's the home of my ancesters.
    And, did I mention they don't have any snakes there?

  25. Snakes or no snakes, I can't figure out why anybody lives in Arizona. It's just too damned hot there! For me, anyway. And I love Samuel in that movie. It was total B-rate, but I love B-rates so it was okay with me.


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