Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Me-Me's Playhouse: Caption This! No. 19

Hey there, hi there, ho there - it's time to play another edition of Caption This!

In case you are playing for the first time, the rules are simple. Take a look at the photo, enter you caption in the comments below, enter often and return on Saturday when The Impartial Panel of Three's decision will be announced. The prize? Why it's The Golden Phallus.

And, for those of you that love captioning games, please visit nonamedufus, EttaRose and Soccer Mom for more fun. Plus that Old Silly, Marvin, has his contest up tomorrow.


  1. Seriously, the economy has come to this...

  2. Admittedly, strippers in the Himalayas leave a lot to be desired.

  3. New photos suggest that Sir Edmund Hillary did not, in fact, die on Mount Everest but is instead living a lavish life with sherpas as a transexual prostitute.

  4. Grandpa said it was just going to be a regular camping trip.

  5. Sherpa Sam McGee demonstrates where the term "strange things done 'neath the midnight sun" comes from.

  6. It's the hormone injections. Saving me from dying of colon cancer, but now I find myself watching Oprah.

  7. Haven't recovered from the mammogram yet, huh?

  8. Just trying to supplement the social security income.

  9. "How do you like my training bra? It's never too late to teach an old bird new 'tricks'!"


  10. Strip poker turned out to be a bad idea on the recent Congressional Campout.

  11. No one can beat Moooooooooooog...but here goes nothing....

    I always keep a few bucks tucked in my Manzier, just in case my date gets fresh and I need a cab.

  12. If I told my wife once, I told her a hundred times, somebody's going to get those pictures of you and put them on the internet.

  13. Grandma got run over by a reindeer, Grandpa wore her bra on Christmas eve.

  14. I love Ann's caption!

    It's simple. Since I have some of the largest boobs in this gathering, I was told I had to wear a bra if I took off my shirt.

  15. At sea level Grandpa's a typical old-man, bingo at 3, early bird at 4, 5 o'clock news in bed, but get him in the mountains and he parties like he's J. Edgar Hoover!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Merle said the day he graduated from his training bra was just an ordinary day, the same as any other... But we all knew by the look on his face that this was indeed a very special day.

  18. Phil danced for three hours, but all he made was one dollar.

  19. Is this what it's gonna take to convince the gov't panel that we need mammograms every single year after age 40?!

  20. "Mansierre" or "Bro," I don't care!
    To me its calls it great support!

  21. Always stand tall.And make those babies too.

  22. Great. Looks like Uncle Jim is off his meds again.

  23. Steve was a busy man. Evidently, he didn't heed the warning of "Wait 'til we get our Hanes on you."

  24. To most of you it looks like Frank made a measley ten bucks, but Frank sees two more months of blood pressure medicine!

  25. Oh Dear God. Normally, I'm a big bag of hot wind. But now, for some reason, I'm just speechless.


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