Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wacky Wednesday! At The Movies

Although it's usually promoted as a Halloween movie, regardless of the time of year, this is absolutely one of my favorite films. This horror musical premiered in 1975 and once had a cult following where 10's of thousands would flock to their local theaters for the midnight showing of this legendary film, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Starring Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon and Meatloaf, this film is best viewed in the company of a full theater. Rocky Horror fans attend in the costume of their favorite character and/or will bring props to participate in the various scenes. I love watching the devotees of this movie even more than I do watching the screen. Talk about wacky!

Make The Rocky Horror Picture Show a "must see" this Halloween season. Oh, and don't forget to take a bag of rice!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Candy! Candy! Candy!

The Halloween tradition of going door-to-door begging for candy dates back to the middle ages. It resembles the medieval practice of "souling", where poor people would go door-to-door receiving food in return for their prayers for the dead on All Saints Day (November 1).

As a trick-or-treating kid, my bag was always full of delicious treats. In addition to the Tootsie Rolls, Milky Ways and candy corn, there were those moms in the neighborhood that would make marshmallow treats, popcorn balls and caramel apples and would place them neatly wrapped in my bag. I hurried from house-to-house in anticipation of returning home to sample all that was holy.....candy!

My parents were cautious, they would inspect my bag of goodies and take out those things that looked suspicious - like the Almond Joys and the Hershey bars. Come on, this was the 60's. This was a time when the practice of tainting candy really wasn't an issue. However, I continued this practice with my own children just to get my hands on the candy!

After the inspection of my bag, I would head to my room and start hiding my candy like a squirrel hides his nuts. I'd put a little here and put a little there hoping to make it last until Christmas. I had a stash that was never too far from my reach, even after the lights went out. Oh, how I love candy!

The day would finally come when my many stashes were depleted. I must have candy! I'd go to my sisters, who had also squirreled their candy away, seeking my sugar fix. Sadly, they had depleted their reserves as well. I'd even check with the other kids in the neighborhood. The dark circles under my eyes, the incoherent chatter and my stumbling swagger were clear signs that I was nothing more than a junkie out roaming the neighborhood looking to satisfy my jones for candy.

Yes, there have been those years when I've had to go back to the store the afternoon of Halloween to replace the candy I had bought a week or so in advance. By this time, I didn't care what I gave the trick-or-treaters. I would buy the gigantic variety bag of candy that wasn't quite as appealing as the Hershey Miniatures and the Milky Ways I had bought the week before. Oh boy, the looks these masked kids would give me as I dropped a few Dum-Dums or those black and orange taffy things in their bags were daunting. I felt the shame.

Halloween, to me, was and still is.....all about the candy. So, if you see an adult dressed like Thomas the Train at your door this year, think about me. Be sympathetic. There are many of us out their that relive this shame every year. Be generous. We may not soap your windows or TP your lawn, but your credit report could definitely be in jeopardy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

We Are The Champions My Friends.....

Good day ladies and gentlemen! I'm starting this week off with the presentation of awards. These recipients are some of the real heros of the blogsophere.

The Impartial Panel of Three has rendered their decision for Caption This! No. 12. Thank you all for playing and I hope to see you here again Friday for another installment of Me-Me's Playhouse.

Before we get to the winning author, lets give a big round of applause to those that received a most honorable mention.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Later that night, the Cavendish dogs, realizing at long last that drastic action would be required to save the remaining vestiges of their pride, savagely attacked and killed their owners.

nonamedufus said...

Timmy awoke from his freakish nightmare swearing never to feed Lassie junk food again.

moooooog35 said...

Shortly thereafter, and without warning, her dogs ganged up and ate Edna alive.

This week's winner and recipient of The Golden Phallus plus 500 EntreCard credits goes to Bill S. Congratulations Bill, very clever!!!

"The Collie family knows how-l to celebrate Halloween."

Whoa, there! We're not done yet.

Late yesterday I received an award from The Peach Tart. By her own admission, she's one reluctant white trash southern belle. Originally from the south myself, I really relate to her hilarious writings. Please click over, give her a read and do follow - you'll be glad you did. Thank you, Peach!

However, there are conditions for being a recipient of this lovely award.....

1. Answer the questions below using only one word
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you
3. Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers.

So, now the questions:

1. Where is your cell phone? lost
2. Your hair? mess
3. Your mother? beautiful
4. Your father? handsome
5. Your favorite food? bacon
6. Your dream last night? hallucination
7. Your favorite drink? Kool-Aid
8. Your dream/goal? recluse
9. What room are you in? bed
10. Your hobby? TV
11. Your fear? snakes!
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? hiding
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something you aren't? psycho
15. Muffins? apple
16. Wish list item? crayons
17. Where did you grow up? Arkansas
18. Last thing you did? post
19. What are you wearing? pj's
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? dog
22. Your friends? many
23. Your life? simple
24. Your mood? hopeful
25. Missing someone? family
26. Vehicle? BMW
27. Something you're not wearing? bra
28. Your favorite store? .99
29. Your favorite color? purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? earlier
31. Last time you cried? rarely
32. Your best friend? B.D.
33. One place that I go over and over? mountains
34. One person who emails me regularly? Joel
35. Favorite place to eat? Tex-Az

Now, I must pass this award along to six of my favorite bloggers. What? Only six? Okay, I've narrowed the list.....the following bloggers are definitely over the top!

Cat Lady Larew
Quirky Loon
Redhead Ranting
PJ's Prose
Retro Kimmer

The Soccer Mom Files

Congratulations, ladies!!! Everyone, be sure to visit these fine bloggers.

.....and we'll keep on fighting to the end!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Shuffle

As I was visiting some of the hilarious folks over at Humor Bloggers Dot Com yesterday, I ran across a post that looked like a lot of fun and decided to pass it along. Writes Phillipia had been tagged on FaceBook for the following.....

1. Turn on your MP3 or your playlist on Windows Media Player.

2. Go to SHUFFLE songs mode.

3. Write down the first 15 songs that come up--song title and artist--NO editing/cheating -- no matter how many Barry Manilow songs play.

4. Choose a group of people to be send this on to or simply share it with your readers. Leave your list in my comments or post it to you blog.

Here's my Sunday shuffle.....

1. Statesboro Blues - The Allman Brothers Band
2. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
3. Domino - Van Morrison
4. Step on Inside - Vietnam
5. Beautiful Boy - John Lennon
6. Raised on Robbery - Joni Mitchell
7. Closing Time - Leonard Cohen
8. Rock 'n Roll Doctor - Little Feat
9. Would - Alice in Chains
10. Panama - Van Halen
11. One Way Out - The Allman Brothers Band
12. Jackson - Johnny Cash/June Carter
13. Delta Lady - Leon Russell
14. Mohamed's Radio - Warren Zevon
15. Suite Judy Blue Eyes - CSN&Y

Wow, in looking over my list, I've noticed that over half of these selections pre-date the 80's. Maybe Don McLean was right.....the music died.

Don't forget to add to caption to
Me-Me's Playhouse: Caption This! No.12, you have until midnight.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I've Been Punked!

Last evening the doorbell rang around 7 o'clock. Who could this be? I wasn't expecting anyone. Good thing I hadn't already changed into my evening lounge wear - the lovely Tinkerbell pajamas, sexy huh? Anyway, I went to the door and there stood a couple of friends with their 13 year old son. And, they had brought a pizza!

As we caught up on the recent happenings in our lives, I noticed Jeremy kept going into the bathroom. Okay...maybe it's just a result of all the soda he was drinking. His mother eventually commented and Jeremy assured her he was fine.

As they began to leave, Jeremy went to the bathroom one last time. Now I'm wondering, just what is so fascinating in there? There are no nudie magazines or video games, what is his deal? After my friends left I went into bathroom to check things out. Is he stealing toilet paper? No, everything appeared normal.

It wasn't until this morning that things became clear. As I stepped out of the shower, I noticed a huge message written across the fog covered mirror, "I am watching YOU!!!". I froze, my heart was pumping fast, I had visions of Anthony Perkins, in drag, entering the bathroom with a big knife. Seconds seemed like minutes.

That little psycho! Each time he had gone to the bathroom he had fogged a portion of the mirror with his own breath to continue his message. I wanted to call his parents, but now that I've cooled off, revenge is mine. Somehow, someday, when he least expects it, I'm going to..... (thinking, thinking)

Any ideas how to punk a 13 year old?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Me-Me's Playhouse: Caption This! No. 12

'Tis the season. No, not Christmas......Halloween! And, here at the Screaming Me-Me, we'll be celebrating the season for the next 30 days. I hope you will find lots of fun posts that will enhance your Halloween experience. We're kicking off this celebration with a special edition of Caption This!

You know the rules.....view the photo below, add your caption in the comments and enter often. You could be the winner of the coveted Golden Phallus, plus you'll receive 500 EntreCard credits to be awarded by The Impartial Panel of Three on Monday.

Good luck, now get crack-a-lackin'!

Click photo to biggify!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Brake For Garage Sales

Welcome buyers and thank you for coming to my garage sale!

I know my newspaper ads and signs say, "Open at 7"; but, feel free to arrive at 6. Please ring the doorbell several times, bang on the door and peer into the windows until I answer. I'll gladly open up early just for you.

Do show up with your unleashed dog and, of course, let him poop in my front yard. Yeah, my lawn-boy will clean it up later, no problem.

For your convenience, I've taken the time to price each and every item. Please keep asking over-and over, "How much do you want for this?" And, I know 25 cents is a fairly steep price; so, let's haggle for 5 minutes about it. I don't have anything else to do today.

In the mood for a cigarette? Step into the garage and light up. Just leave the butts on the garage floor or flick them into the yard. I'll take care of those for you too. It's my bad for not providing you with an ashtray.

What, now your McDonald's breakfast is going right through you? Of course, you can come in and use my bathroom. Be sure to look in the medicine cabinet and take any prescription meds you might need - no charge. You'll find the room spray under the sink, please use liberally.

Oh, you want to buy all my antiques at full price, but have no cash? Yes, I'll happily take your check. No worries, I'm sure you're an honest person. Next time, I'll be prepared to accept credit and debit cards.

As you leave, be sure to rev up the engine several times, blast the rap music and then lay scratch as you drive away. It's loud but, oh so cool.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

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