Sunday, March 21, 2010

Please, Somebody Help Me!!!

Just over a month ago I finally gave into the pressure of friends and family nagging me to join facebook. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the benefits of social networking - you get out of it what you put into it. After just a couple of days, I had decided facebook was a really easy way to keep up with the daily happenings in everyone's lives (and blogs) by viewing just one page. However, I was totally unaware of what was lurking behind some of those facebook's applications. More!

I've never been a game player except for the one time in my life I owned and played with great fervor every version of The Sims. Oh, yeah. I was totally addicted and thought of nothing but getting home from work to build my neighborhood or send my characters on vacation. This is hard to admit, but I even built a torture chamber without doors and windows and watched different characters go potty without the benefit of a toilet and eventually die from lack of food just so I would have ghosts who haunted the house I had so lovingly furnished. Yep.'s Farmville!!! I can not stop plowing, planting and harvesting. I am obsessed! I check my facebook homepage 3 or, make that at least 10 times every single day just to see if any of my friends who also play have sent me a gift. I sit here and literally giggle with anticipation as I open a mystery box. Will I get an exotic fruit tree, a cow or maybe a horseshoe which will help me to finally complete that frickin' stable? I plant fruits and vegetables with one mission only in mind...getting to the next level just to have the opportunity of the newest items "unlocked" at my disposal.

Oh no, it just doesn't stop there. I finally found 10 friends who thought well enough of my offer to join me as a neighbor. I visit my neighbors' farms twice a day just to fertilize their crops and feed their chickens. Will I find fuel, a collectible or the coveted mystery egg? Regardless of any special finds, I'm accumulating points. Points where I can shop with the one-click convenience to beautify my farm.

Wanna see? Click photo to biggify.

This is just one side of my lovely farm that keeps me from having to deal with real life situations. Look, I have green sheep, gray horses and a Saanens goat which should be renamed Satan's goat for luring me into such a world. Oh, and the tractor, do you have any idea how long I played just to be able to afford that baby? Get this, now that I have it, I swear don't know how to use it. Even more sad is when I found out I could not use the bicycle I purchased to ride around my farm when harvesting my fruit and nut trees. Uh, huh.

I may need an intervention. Or maybe just a few more neighbors. No, really, if you play Farmville and are looking for a dedicated neighbor, please invite me. My facebook user name is MeMe King. If you just want to add me as a friend, that's okay too. I promise, I won't annoy you with any Farmville posts like whenever I find an uncommon butterfly while picking cherries.

Last night I found this.....

Well, I'd say that about sums it up. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

NOTE: I won't be around today or tomorrow. I'm going out to watch my son race his motorcycle around the track at speeds which exceed 190 mph. Then I'm returning to Tucson with them for a much needed night with my family. I promise, I will catch up with you all later on Monday! Oh, just in case you were wondering, my family has plenty of computers for me to keep an eye on the farm while I'm gone.


  1. Should I really start a FB account to see what you are talking about?? Can I really afford another addiction? Hmmmm, I wonder if it would it be covered by insurance?

  2. I have jouned facebook but can't comprehend what farming is all about so I leave well alone.

    Have a happy day.

  3. PS Why have you got me as a "Stalker?"


  4. @ Mrs.Blogalot - Oh, please won't you be my neighbor?

    @ Yvonne - Trust me, you're much better off for not delving into the unknown. Thanks for stalking me!

  5. I had to spot "Farmville" cold turkey. I couldn't take it anymore, all of my friends were playing it, but I couldn't take it anymore. I think it was the happy little song that played. My farm is still out there is cyberspace, shrivilled up and as dead as my uterus.

  6. That should be "stop" not "spot". Shouldn't tpye after taking ambien.

  7. I totally don't do the Farmville stuff, but I am addicted to FB.

    I used to be addicted to The Sims too--that was BK (Before Kids). Ahhh, those were the days!

  8. @ Joannafesto - There's a happy little song? OMG, I must turn up my sound!

    @ Erin - Oh c'mon, please? As a former Sims player, you'd just love Farmville.

  9. Yes, the games are too addictive for me.

    Wait. Where is my Sudoku book?

    Have fun!

  10. I have played a couple of those FB games. They are so addictive! I don't go on fb much anymore because I don't want to get hooked!

  11. @ Geek Girl - Really? So, which ones do you play?

  12. @ Collette - Come back into the fold, come back, Collette!

  13. That video was HILarious. Because it's so true! I was soooo happy to accept you as a neighbor and am hoping you'll get JUST as addicted to Cafe World. mwahahahaha!

    I know. It's insane. But sometimes it's nice, when you're feeling overwhelmed, to have something brainless to do where you can see results. My farm is so overcrowded with crap but I can't embiggen it until I have 35 friends. Argh! So, I have 19. I've run out of real friends to lure into my addiction, so now I'm considering STRANGERS! Then, when they start getting my Facebook and blog posts and find out I'm a communist, they run for the (unfarmed) hills. I don't think I have a glowing future in the game.

    I can't erase the picture of your murderous prison cell and you watching prisoners die in anticipation of having them play ghosts in your game. If I come back to AZ, we'll have to meet only in public places. haha!

  14. OHh I never liked Farmville but I do love Farmtown nd Zoo world... you would LOVE zoo world you get MONEY for your zoo by visiting peoples places...that you can spend on more animals and pretty stuff

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Y'know, I am on facebook fairly frequently, and it always annoyed the living crap out of me getting all those posts about people's games: Farmville and Mafia Wars, et cetera.

    But your farm DOES look nice. Some new construction happening, I see. Is that the pre-slaughter house torture chamber?

    That 'Sims' story was so sick I almost considered playing!

  17. Currently I am embracing my bejeweled addiction and so, I have no time to develope a farmville problem. If I can free up some time, give up doing laundry and cooking maybe, then I am in for the farmville ride!
    I have noticed you have frequent staus updates on fb, announcing all of your newest finds or conquests! Be the queen, I say.

  18. I certainly hope your new addiction won't take too much time away from blogging. I'd miss you too much!

  19. Listen, been there, done that! I am too addicted to Farmville. I will say, "hold on, hubby, I know we're in the middle of a romantic date but you know, I have some crops to harvest." It takes over my life. Yesterday I had one board left for my Masion...and I sent out gifts to everybody begging for that one stupid board. NOBODY had them to give. I finally found one as a mystery gift. I mean honestly! It's craziness. i'm going to be adding you. :)

  20. Me-Me... Step away from the farm. Put the horsey down. Farmville is evil and will suck your brain cells out through your nose. But most of all it will take you away from us... your eager readers. :(

  21. Hey C: When you are on facebook on the "Newfeed Page" go to the particular annoying game post, click "remove". Three options will pop-up, choose the middle one and you can remove info about your friend's particular game, but not your friend.

  22. I don't Facebook. Blogging takes up enough of my spare time. I'm laughing at the farm thing, though. Is that supposed to be you with the really ginormous head???

    Motorcycle! I'm bracing for the days when my husband puts little e in motocross. Have fun!

  23. I hear ya. I recently got onto Facebook myself, and wound up getting more addicted to Farm Town. But to each his own. (The commercial is great, btw!)

  24. BOOO !! Heff HATES the Facebook. Boring platform, people I've AVOIDED since Highschool, etc...

  25. I feel your pain, kiddo. Wifey does Farmville too and went through the same thing, but now she's moved on to Zoo World and she's even more obsessed than ever. She even spends real money to get animals for her zoo and stuff like that. It takes up all her waking moments. I have to dress like a bear to get any attention.

  26. Me-Me, you're a sick-o. I have followed your Farmville exploits from afar but dare not partake, myself. I've seen how it destroys others. Think I'm kidding? Look at our friend EttaRose. She went ape-shit for Farmville and Mafia Wars and simply left her blog and never came back. Sad, sad, sad. But good luck with getting your tractor going, girl. (In the 80s I was a Tetras addict!)

  27. Hi MeMe! Ok, I need to ask if you have GMO crops? What fertilizers do you use? I drove a tractor before a car - need lessons? haha

    I think you are addicted - and I know damn well I would be if I succumbed to the temptations. I will kidnap you and take you to rehab at my lake house. You need to get back to LIFEville and live it!

  28. Yeah haven't gotten into Farmville myself. My friends all have.

    Have fun in Tucson!

  29. Your farm is incredible. What a great obsession.

    Somebody invited me to play Mafia Wars. I played it once and realized that another distraction in addition to the Internet was not a good idea for someone with ADD. Farmville and The Sims look like fun, but I better refrain from playing. Sticking to FreeCell.

  30. That's cute!! I tried Farmvile and couldn't figure it out!!

  31. Umm... Is that hemp I see growing out behind the hen house? I've never played the facebook, I'm new to the computer dork thing.

  32. hheehehe another one bites the dust...I went to rehab to get over this addiction....Farmville just lures you with goodies...I was a farmer for more than a year.

    There is still hope for you...just abandon the farm and delete the application...All the best :)

  33. Joannafesto: Thanks! I am gonna do that from now on instead of the total removal thing.
    Honestly! It's like when someone immediately whips out pictures of their baby! OF COURSE YOU AVOID THEM!


    And good luck, Margo!

  34. Get A hold of yourself woman! Sorry..too rough??

  35. I hate Farmville. I spend all my cash buying seeds to plant, then I forget to visit my farm for a week or so, then when I go back to my farm all my crops are's just like real life!

  36. I'll pass on Farmville, not much of a gamer, but FB is cool, I use it a lot. I'll send you a friend invite.

    The Old Silly

  37. Hmm - thought you had facebook hyperlinked but guess not. Anyhoo - here's my link on FB - shout me a holla, GF!

  38. I'm merely a facebook lurker. I haven't gotten into any of the games yet. If I do it will be necessary to give up either my blog or my job because I don't have time for all three.

  39. Your addiction to "Farmville" sounds like my addiction to all things "Sacred" and "Pocket Tanks". LOL. Computer game addiction is no joke, Me-Me, but it's heck of a lot better than other addictions. I was thinking about joining Facebook, too, but I read as many cons about it as I do pros.

    Have fun watching your offspring go zoom zoom zoom on the track. Hope all goes well.

  40. P.S. Can you grow "anything" on this farm??? LOL.

  41. Here's a bucket of horseshit for your farm. They don't have one of those in farmville so you'll be the only kid on your block to have one. Happy farming.

  42. I hope that your son is okay! That is scary fast.

    What is it with this stupid farmville?? LOL

  43. I gave up on all FB games. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to have another obsession.

  44. I got hooked on Facebook games for a while. It passed. So did my interest in Facebook, mostly.


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