Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Fractured ABC's Of Christmas - R

is for Rainbow
Even on Christmas day

A man wearing this sweater

Is probably gay

I just realized that today's winner will be the last winner of Caption This! 2009. Wow, what a year of great captioning by everyone. Thank you all for playing each week. I hope you will continue this tradition by continuing to play during 2010. (Sorry, isn't that redundant?)

The Impartial Panel of Three has made their decision. The Panel has asked me to give the following players a most-honorable mention.....

nonamedufus said:
Jesse's excuse was that he was drug free. But Bobby had no excuse for wearing that sweater.

Freak Smack said:
30 seconds after this photo was taken Bobby shanked Chris for making him look queer.

Don said:
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a man and his bitch!

Leeuna said:
If you see my friend wandering around lost, please dial the number listed on his face and I'll come get him.

During 2009, this caption became a repeated theme
Knucklehead said:
Hi, we're the Dyer Boys!
Yeah, okay, I guess you had to have been there.

Now, on with the show...

Today's winning author is rather new to captioning has outdone all the rest and will take home The Golden Phallus. Give a big "hooray" to adrienzgirl over at Think Tank Momma. Her blog is full of humor and snarcasms, be sure to pop over and give her blog a read. And, while you are there, "Follow".


The moment you've all been waiting for, the winning caption!

Our first Christmas after being released from prison
....a love story.


  1. Yay for Adrienzgirl! That was a great one.

    And it figures that knucklehead would try to recycle MY caption. I am the one who started that whole bidness!

    And I'm proud of it! hee hee

  2. @ Quirky - Yes you did!!! This isn't the first time Knucklehead recycled your winning caption.

  3. Nicely done!

    Now excuse me while I go find myself the same sweater.

  4. came in late on this one. the guy on the left needs a hat, over his face.

  5. LOL! Great one. Congrats Adrienzgirl! I'll be working on my captioning chops in the new year because I'm nothing if not a competitive bitch.

  6. Congrats A-girl. Me-Me, please let me know when I can have my picture back. Jim's kinda upset I loaned it to you.

  7. HOLY CRAP! I would like to thank the academy, the hollywood foreign press, my fellow nominees, oh wait....that's a totally different speech.

    THANKS Me-Me, I LOVE THIS AWARD!! Suh-Weet!!!

  8. Haha. The Dyer Boys. I miss reading those guys! Good stuff!

  9. Congrats to the winner!

  10. Congrats!

    I'll take that sweater. It will look SO much better on me!

  11. Hey, thanks for the honorable mention. yeah, I'm proud. Watch me strut.

    Congrats to the winner. That WAS a great caption. Hilarious.

  12. Thanks!!!
    “Liquid Latex” liked it a lot.
    Liquid Latex


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