Sunday, January 31, 2010

Douche Lord

Friday night I watched Andrew Young on 20/20 as he exposed "the truth" regarding his role in covering up Senator John Edwards' affair with Richelle Hunter. I'm not going into all the details of that interview here because I'm sure you are just as sick of hearing about this as I am. However, I am going to give you the bottom line. Take a good look at this man.

Douche Lord

What is a douche lord? I'm glad you asked. According to the definitions published by Urban Dictionary, Senator Edwards is a prime candidate for such a label. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they placed his picture next to the definitions which have been submitted for further clarification.

1. douche lord An extreme version of the term douche bag (a demeaning obscenity using reference to a tool women use during their period). A douche lord would reference that a person is beyond a douche bag- and requires a more demeaning term.

2. douche lord Someone who is such a Douche bag that douche bag doesn't sufficiently describe their level of douche baggery.

Also see: douche bag, asshole, tool, moron, dick head, jackass, fucktard, John Edwards.

Each week I have a different theme on my sidebar. If you've never paid attention before, now is a good time to take a look. I use a South Park generator to depict a personality under the header About Me and, a little further down, a related YouTube video to round it out. This week's theme is dedicated to John Edwards and Richelle Hunter. Enjoy!


  1. I came over from Twitter to see what this was all about. I was not familiar with this term until. Funny! At least you have the guts to say what everyone else is thinking.

    Susan @ HappyTrails

  2. Love Douche Lord! I also like Asshat. Fucktard is fabulous too! I saw a little bit of the show. Just made me cringe.

  3. @ Susan - Thanks for stopping by today. Just another Public Service Announcement for the betterment of mankind.

    @ Erin - I guess this would also apply to Richelle Hunter - "The Douchess".

  4. What gets me is the guy first denied the affair and then paternity of the child when everyone in the world knew he was lying. Another fine example of a swell, upstanding politician. What does the guy take us for?

  5. @ Dufus - He, like others, take us for idiots! Wake up America!

    @ C: - 1) A fucking retard 2) A retarded fuck 3) A fuck, who is also retarded

  6. "level of douche baggery."


    I like that phrase.

    I have all sorts of levels of baggeries in my life.


    You called this one right MeMe!

  7. For sure, Edwards is a Douche Lord. I also heard the over-blathered about news of him having some other dude take the blame for sperm-shootin' and baby makin' with that other woman.

    He makes half the politicians in this country look like gentlemen.

  8. Sometimes I think politicians excel at one thing: LYING.

    Sometimes they don't even do that well.


  9. ♥ Hey I gave you an award on my blog ♥

  10. Good Lord you nailed this Douche Lord - butt good!! lol

    Probably financed his illicit affair with tax payers expense account, too.

    Politicians. Crooks and thugs in suits. OK, mebbe not all of 'em, but just saying ...

    The Fed Up Old Silly

  11. This is my new favorite term! And yes, John Edwards pic should be next to this phrase in the Urban Dictionary.

  12. Tiger Woods should be sending Edwards a thank you note and a case of wine.

  13. HAHA This was hilarious. The guy's expression made it even more convincing that he was a douche lord..... lol

  14. Andrew Young,his wife and John Edwards make me Sick!
    Great post!

  15. Hi MeMe - Ok - I am sooo expanding my vocab here - this is one place that I visit to try to keep up with what is going on - my lame attempt at an old woman trying desperately to cling to youth and hip-ness blah blah blah but TODAY I hit real paydirt! Douche Lord and Fucktard - I'm in vocab heaven!

  16. You are right. Sometimes, douchebag just. doesn't. cover. it!

  17. Of all the recent douche lords, former Sen. Edwards is The Douche Lord over all of them. I mean, for fuck's sake, his wife was (and is) dying of cancer. It's hard to believe what he did!

  18. You're absolutely correct. I think he deserves ultimate douchebag status indeed. J Goss ain't got nothing on him.

  19. I'm clapping for you. Can you hear it?

  20. The guy certainly deserves this title and worse! How anyone can be so heartless towards a dying spouse, is beyond me!?!

  21. Douche Lord ~ No kidding - love that term! I too watched 20/20 and can't believe what extremes he went to in order to cover up all the crap he was doing - amazing! May the good Lord watch over his beautiful wife, Elizabeth and his children ~ he's a douche bag/douche lord for sure!

  22. He is without doubt the Douche Lord. Well stated. Elizabeth Edwards is such an admirable woman fighting the fight for health care and her own battle with cancer that she has handled with grit and grace. It's ironic that the real cancer in her life turned out to be her husband, Lord Louse, heir to the hapless hair Dynasty of Douches.


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