Thursday, January 7, 2010

So Long, Farewell.....

I quit!
Yep, stick me with a fork, I'm done!

After almost a year of click, click, clicking, I have canceled my account with Entrecard. So, to all you good people who actually stopped, dropped, read and commented - I thank you! I do hope you will continue to visit me and I promise I'll visit you as well. But, to those of you that just stopped, dropped and rolled on out of here - see ya!

What a load off my shoulders, not to mention my wrist. This will now free me up an hour and a half each and every day. This is time that will be much better spent visiting blogs and commenting. Look out, here I come!

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  1. I never did Entrecard, but have read the many comments about how disappointed bloggers are with it.

    I'm glad you have set yourself free! Another hour and a half? That's the equivalent of one and a half Law & Order eppies!

    I'm soooo happy for you! *dun, dun*


    During that 1.5 hour, you can exercise, clean your house, file your paperwork, prepare a lavish meal.....

    Sorry. I got carried away.


  3. Maybe that extra time will be better spent reading my 500+ post. You know you want to. Now you can!

  4. i have also been thinking about dropping entrecard. i usually only visit my blogroll and rarely use entrecard. i haven't advertised on anyones blog for a long time now and probably won't. i much rather spend my time reading and commenting on all of my favorites than just dropping a card on a blog i don't care to read.

    have an awesome day...hugz!

  5. Hi MeMe - Well you know how I am - I didn't know what that was in the first place - but whatever it is - and the fact that you are no longer doing it - whatever it is - I'm thrilled you feel so free! I also like your comment about whoever has dropped, rolled out of here, see ya - I'm so with you on that! I no longer go to blogs of bloggers who don't visit/comment on mine! Let me tell you, a HUGE time saver!!!!

  6. I never even heard of it. LOL!

  7. @ Quirky - Free at last, free at last!

    @ Geek girl - That's not exactly how I thought I spend this extra time I have now, but thanks for the suggestions.

    @ Don - Are you offering up a challenge? Let me think about it, I'll get back to ya later.

    @ PJ - Oh, I hear ya. I have met some new friends through EC; but, honestly, it was just too much time out of my day.

    @ suZen - EC was great when I first started blogging for driving traffic to my blog. I'm with you - this will be a huge time saver.

    @ Christiejolu - That's okay, go to if you are interested in learning more.

  8. A wise choice. I found it was all so time-consuming for little in return. And half the time it would screw up technically. I think blogrolls are far more productive. Or dinner rolls.

  9. What's an "Entrecard"? I thought I'd experienced every addiction there is, but must've missed that one. Anyway, kudos for kicking the habit - or whatever it was. (wink)

    The Old Silly

  10. @ Dufus - Yeah, I should have bailed within the first 90 days, but I kinnda became addicted. Pass the rolls, please.

    @ Marvin - Oh, thanks. Entrcard is a bit addictive, but without reward. Go figure.

  11. I'll add you to my list & check in ever so often, I like reading your blog.

  12. Entrecard is a tribute to the poetry of Charles (Hungry Chuck) Bukowski whose epitaph reads: Time was made to be wasted. Or if it doesn't, it does now.

    If I didn't have Entrecard, I'd probably already be blind.

  13. I hear you. I only drop about 30 cards per day, an many are on my blogroll anyway. I may be removing that little widget soon too. All the best. Tina

  14. I do and I have left it before. I get bored and can't remember where everyone is so I go back to it. I really need to use a reader. Enjoy your freedom.

  15. @ Valdese Blogger - Thanks, I really apperciate that.

    @ Faustroll - You quote Bukowski? LOL! Really, I am a fan of his.

    @ Tina - Thanks, Tina, I'll see you around.

    @ Jen - LOL, yeah, a reader would be good. I'm wondering just how long it will be before I end up back there.

  16. I agree and visiting blogs can really be fun.

    Dorothy from grammology

  17. @ Gayle - Yes, I do.

    @ Dorothy - Amen!

  18. Thank you and either way...I'll be here for my daily read anyway. Don't forget your friends!

  19. I really have no idea what this means.

    But hey, yeah for freedom! :D

  20. @ Buggys - You are most welcome. I knew I could count on you.

    @ adrienzgirl - You are not alone.

  21. I don't even know what it is, but congratulations! I'm truly happy for you, I guess.

  22. Thanks for the heads-up. One less mistake for me to have to make and learn from myself. Maybe I should just follow you around for the rest of my life.


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