Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Give A Tweet!

Updated Friday 03/19/2010: Imagine my surprise when I logged on this morning and found so many of you missed this announcement yesterday. Well, due to the huge response, I will extend this offer through today to help spread the word for "tweet thursday". And, since you are already here, take a look at this week's edition of Caption This! contest which ends at midnight, you could be the next winner.

It's Thursday...tweet thursday!.


So, here's the deal. Each Thursday I will tweet everyone's most recent post just for leaving a comment...that's it. It's such an easy way to get your blog promoted! Now, if you are not already following me on Twitter, how will you know if I actually tweeted your blog post to my 1700 followers? Simple, follow me on Twitter then you'll receive confirmation of your tweet. Taaa-daaah.

Yeah, I know, another bandwagon to jump on. But, isn't this something we should be doing for each other anyway? It literally takes just a few seconds to post a tweet or retweet a post, I do it all the time.

Would you like to add "tweet thursday!" to your blog? Great, simply copy and paste the button to your blog then link it to your announcement so your readers will know to visit and comment every Thursday to receive their tweet. Suh-weet!

So, leave a comment and get your first tweet today!


  1. 1700?!?!

    Holy Crap! That's a lot of Twits!
    Sure. I'm in.
    Lemme just figger out how!

  2. GENIUS!!

    But you knew that already.

    (I think that sucking up counts for two, fyi)

  3. I just started following you (I'm @erinlynn76). My last post was nothing fancy, you don't need to tweet it. I just wanted to say hi! When I have time, I do tweet blog posts and links to's just so hard because I can barely keep up w/ my BlogLand stuff, let alone throwing Twitter into the mix! LOL

    Have a great day, TWEETheart!

  4. Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

    I'm glad they didn't name it Chirper!

    What a nice idea. Thanks for doing this.

  5. Twitter is as Twitter does. Whatever the hell that means it scares me thinking that I may actually volunteer to "tweet" something. It's my homophobia kicking in again.

  6. Heff's not a fan of Shitter...I mean Twitter.

  7. Sounds Tweet to me, Miss Margo. Thanks. I'm trying to use Twitter more lately myself...don't know how I'm doing, but actually am talking to a few people there and hey, I saw this post there too. :)

  8. @ Chris - You're "IN", I'm "IN", we're all "IN"!

    @ Project Savior - Thanks for stopping by, great to see you.

    @ moooooog - Is there an award for that?

    @ Erin - Thanks and I'm now following you.

    @ Geek Girl - It's my pleasure!

    @ Don - I know, it's always funny when someone says, "Click on my Twitter button".

    @ Heff - I worry, do you always refer to yourself in the third person?

  9. @ Unfinishedperson - See? It really, really works!

  10. Sounds like a lot of fun! I just started following you on Twitter.

  11. @ Dufus - Sorry, I didn't mean to skip over who's the twit?

  12. @ Heather - Wow, what a great give-a-way you have over at your place! Now, I'm stalking you on Twitter.

  13. Wow this is a cool idea.

  14. well this is a great way to promote others. support is good - in terms of socialization and sports.

  15. Dang look at all the peepz I know who follow you. Thanks for stalkin me out!

  16. How totally tweet of you, Tweety! Hey I'm in - I'll grab the button and put up an announcement as part of my post tomorrow.

    The Old Silly

  17. Thanks!!!! Is that tweety bird? Yes, I'd like to participate but only have approximately 7 mins remaining on my lunch < hour. Make that 6 mins remaining . . . Gotta go!!! Will do this tonight. God. Why do people talk in libraries?

  18. Great idea. I'm still new to Twittering, (had to perfect all of the other 'ings, first!) Hook a girl up! :)

  19. Well isn't just the tweetest thing you've ever done.

  20. What the hell is twitter?

  21. Do I get an extra tweet if it's my birthday? Just kidding. But thanks for tweeting.

  22. @ Christiejolu - Cool, glad you like it.

    @ W - Support is definitely a good thing, especially in sports.

    @ Ian - Welcome to the party!!!

    @ Marvin - Yea! I'll drop by tomorrow then.

    @ Lauren - Shhhhhhhh, very cool.....

    @ Hissy Fits & Halos - You've been hooked up fo' sho'!

    @ Ann - Well, I try. ;-)

    @ FreakSmack - LOL! You're kidding, right?

    @ Sarah - Happy, happy birthday!

  23. You don't have to tweet me. It's late and my BFF actually wrote my last post.

    I'm Twitter impaired. My account was hacked x2 and I deleted it. I'm trying to work up the energy to start up again.

  24. Um... "post a tweet or retweet a post"... you ever see one of those Gary Larson cartoon where he shows someone talking to their dog and then translates what the dog understands as "blah blah blah blah Spot blah blah blah"? That's me and this quote. I gather you had a good idea but that's all I got here.

  25. I've heard such wonderful things about you from so many awesome bloggers. Stopping by to check things out and what do I find....such an awesome way to pay it forward!

  26. Oh no way, what a great idea! I'm @shootmenowblog and I am following you :)

  27. @ Valdese Blogger - Thank you for stopping by today.

    @ Tracie - That post was well written and funny as hell...Tweet!

    @ Daffy - Awww, that's really nice to hear. I enjoyed reading your blog today.

  28. @ Kablooey - Glad you stopped by, I have seen those cartoons - funny!

  29. I'm so late today. I've been to visit the parents all day. What a great idea this is. Well, you're brilliant then aren't you? I'm in, I have to figure out how to do it as I'm not very Twitter worthy.

  30. I've never done the twitter thing.

    I would so follow you if I did. Yeah, you'd have a stalker for sure...well, another stalker anyway ;-)

  31. Hi there. I am new and stopping by from CCWA. I do the twitter thing but am not so regular or loyal to that. LOL I will follow you though. :) Love your blog. Hope you will stop by mine someday.

  32. You don't have to tweet me. I read about it on Marvin's blog, and wanted to drop by and tell you it is a fantastic idea.

  33. I read about you on Marvin's blog ,
    Please I would like to participate,
    I don't understand twitter, my son has it but I can't fathom it our.
    I think your blog is awesome and will certainly return again.


  34. Read about you on The Old Silly today and had to check you out. Love your blog design!

  35. Hi MeMe! I see I am a day late - story of my life, haha! Hope you will come by anyway! :)

  36. We're always up for a good Twittering!

    We were Twittered a couple of nights ago, and it was.... nothing short of magical.

    Thank you, Screaming Me-Me!

    (Also, loved your ShamWow! poem.)

  37. @ Buggys - Oh, yes you are!

    @ Glenn - Thanks so much for the tip, I have added the retweet button. Glad you like my idea, see you next Thursday then.

    @ mac - You really ought to at least give Twitter a try. It's fairly easy and the rewards can be great.

    @ Tammy - Great, I love CCWA and all the membership there - what a great group of bloggers!

    @ Elizabeth - Welcome! I hope you will stop by again real soon.

    @ Rayna - Another "Old Silly" follower! Wonderful to have you here today.

    @ Yvonne - Twitter is a fantastic tool, you really should give it a try.

    @ Creative Chronicler - Thank you, I was over at your place earlier and really enjoyed your blog.

    @ suZen - Of course, I'm on my way!!!

  38. @ Jeremy - Consider it done. Glad you liked the poem, I wrote that last year for a humor blog carnival dedicated to Vince's birthday.

  39. "Ganny! Ganny! I taut I taw a puddy tat!" Thanks for being such a nice Tweety bird, Margo. This is a sweet thing to do for your readers. You're like that though.

  40. twitter tastes like chicken

    who are all these people? are you having a potluck or something? did anyone think to bring snaks for the dog?

  41. My blog is crap but I need affirmation. Is that wrong?

  42. @ Leeuna - I did, I did see a puddy tat!

    @ Nooter - I have a special bag of scraps just for you. I hope you like T-bones.

    @ KathCom - Nope, there's nothing wrong with that at all. Thanks for stopping by!

  43. Hello, I read about your blog on Marvin's blog. I don't do Twitter, but would still like to be included in your tweetering. I think it's great.

    Oh, I love the comic artwork you have on the side of your blog. Is that one of your creations? Awesome.


  44. You are the tweetest by far!!!!!!!!

  45. I really need to get in to twitter. I tried it about a year ago, didn't like it and I barely log on anymore.

  46. Only 1700? hahaha. Damn! Well, I'm throwin' my hat in the ring. Tweety tweet-tweet away, friend.


Thanks for stopping by The Screaming Me-Me!!!

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