Saturday, November 2, 2013

Caption This! No. 41 - And, The Winner Is.....

Well, here we are again, it's time to announce this week's winner of Caption This! Before we get to that, I would take this opportunity to thank you all for playing. I really appreciate each and every entry.

I would like to acknowledge a couple of most-honorable mentions.....

laughingmom over at Where's the Funny Here? said, "Everyone playing poker hopes that the mask is the LAST thing that Griselda removes."

nonamedufus had a clever entry, "Hannibal Lecter's wife, Annibelle, passes the time playing poker while awaiting her husband's release from prison. Little known fact: Annibelle invented what's come to be known as the 'poker face'."

This week's winner is none other than that beautiful and crazy woman who pulls us Humor Bloggers together, Chelle Blogger! What a week she is having, it's also her birthday! You can find Chelle at one of her two blogs, The Offended Blogger or Scattered Among the Leaves. Congratulations, Chelle, you take home the coveted Golden Phallus!

"Marge decided to wear the latest invention engineered 
to guard off drunken opponents who insisted that the 
term'poker face' actually meant 'poker her face'."

Thanks again for playing and I hope to see you all next Wednesday for another edition of Me-Me's Playhouse: Caption This!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dia De Los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead is a popular holiday celebrated the day after Halloween throughout Mexico and in other parts of the world. This day is for remembering the friends and family members who have passed on to the spirit world. 

Here in the desert southwest, with a history rich in the Mexican heritage, it's not surprising there are lots of fun festivals, art exhibits and music events celebrating this special holiday over the next two days. I am looking forward to attending a couple of events myself.

I have found a wonderful short film which happens to be the 2013 Student Academy Award Gold Medal winner in CGI animation. Beautifully animated, it is a heartfelt story about a little girl who visits the land of the dead and learns the true meaning of this special day.  It truly captures the essence of  Dia de los Muertos perfectly. Enjoy!

Reminder: you have until midnight tonight to enter Caption This!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Me-Me's Playhouse: Caption This! No. 41

Yipeee, tomorrow is Halloween! Spooks, ghouls, super heroes and a princess or two will line the streets in search of tasty treats or brains, if they happen to be zombies. For this special edition of Caption This!, I have chosen a photo in honor of All Hallows Eve.

Caption This! photo in the comment section below, you may enter as often as you like --contest ends Friday at midnight. Then return here on Saturday when the winner will be announced. The winner, of course, takes home the lovely Golden Phallus.  Good luck and happy captioning!

Once you are done here, please stop by Dufus' and Chelle's places for more captioning fun! 

I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Enforceable: Weird Laws From Around The States

I was talking with a friend over the weekend who kept bringing up weird laws which are still on the books and are enforceable. Huh, do what now?  I would laugh and just figured he was pulling my leg, that is, until I started looking them up. So, I spent the better part of Sunday researching and compiling a list just so I could share them with you. You know, just in case you live in or might happen to visit one of these states. 

As I confirmed these weird laws, I kept thinking of Barney Fife approaching the offenders as he stuttered, stumbled and fumbled for his one and only bullet, "This calls for action and now, you've got to nip it in the bud."

  • Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs. (Seems legit, most alligators wouldn't fit in a bathtub.)
  • Dogs can not bark after 6 PM. (Gag order on pooches, ridiculous!)
  • The Arkansas River may rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock. (Question is, who do they arrest in the event of a flood?)

  • You need a permit to shave while driving. (Bwahahahaha, seriously?)
  • It is illegal to provide beer or other intoxicants to elephants. (Sounds as if someone may have seen a few too many pink elephants.)
  • It is not illegal to speed. (Not while shaving, I betcha.)

  • Hunting camels is prohibited. (I have lived here 20+ years, never seen a camel.)
  • Donkeys can not sleep in bathtubs. (What is it with animals in bathtubs?)
  • It is illegal to refuse anyone a glass of water. (With the extreme heat we experience, that's actually a good law.)

  • It is considered an offense to hunt whales. (Huh, whales in Utah?)
  • You can not walk down the street carrying a violin in a paper bag. (Well, fiddle!)
  • No sex in the back of an ambulance while it is on an emergency call. (Bright lights and loud sirens --yeah, that's a mood killer. Unless, of course, you're into that kind of thing.)

  • Panhandlers must obtain a $10 permit before begging on the streets. (I kid you not!)
  • You can not shoot any game from a vehicle window with the exception of whales. (What's the dealio? More laws for whale hunting in landlocked areas? )
  • You may not use a lasso to catch a fish. (Well, there goes my vacation plans.)

This is just the short list, I will be back real soon with more weird laws from around the states.  And, be sure to come back tomorrow for the special Halloween edition of Caption This!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Costumes Part II: Ninja

Kids today have it made when it comes to selecting cool Halloween costumes.  There are so many to choose from --Star Wars characters, super heroes, Lego people and realistic monsters and freaks of all types. 

If I were going door-to-door trick or treating, I would choose to be a ninja. Ninjas are brave martial arts masters and possess strategic knowledge which is way superior to anyone else walking the planet. They are in perpetual stealth mode which allows them to make their strikes totally undetected.  

Ninja assassin fashion is your basic black garb which portrays that sense of invisibility. Plus, they have the coolest accessories like stars, claws, swords and smoke bombs.  Unfortunately, ninja warriors have been over-commercialized and the prepackaged costumes have strayed far from the traditional ninja uniform.  

Below is an interesting critique from a real ninja of a kid's ninja costume which can be purchased online or from a big box store.   

*knock, knock, knock* 

"Trick or Treat!"

You didn't see me did you?

I am a ninja!

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